Monday, April 9, 2012

Passover and Passover Weekend

I am going to do my best to remember everything we did, because my parents have the camera so I cannot look through the pictures to remind myself what we did!

Ok so my parents got in on Friday afternoon from Paris.  I met them at their hotel and we went to borough market for lunch.  We then went to the graffiti tunnel to see that and walked around the banks there.  This took most of the afternoon so after that we went back to our places and changed for seder.  We went to Lee's house for seder and it was really nice.  We took the tube into his area and he picked us up from the station.  After a pretty well done seder ( by Lee) we had soup and all the standards.  The matzoh ball soup was really good!  Lee led the seder very well and with some comedy to it.  Just like our seder's, theirs was a little crazy.  After a lovely seder and the meal we all just hung out.  It was Lee's family ( mom, dad and 2 sisters), his moms sister ( Lisa, John and their daughter Charlotte) and Lee's dads brother and mom (nana).  It was really nice just talking to all of them.  I had met all of them many times before.  They were really interested in American politics.  Lee and his dad drove us back to the city that night and on the way made a pit stop to Abbey Road.  We got our pictures and then his dad pointed out Paul McCartney London house and a few other famous people who lived around that area.  It was cool to see the Abbey Road Studios.
The next morning we woke up and started our day.  We went to Kensington Palace and went around there.  This is where WIlliam and Kate will be living, in Princess Margartes Hall.  The wing that people go in is full of history both old a new.  There is a Princess Diana's dress exhibit going on there which is what I was really interested in.  It had sketches of her dresses, pictures of her in her dresses and then the real dresses.  It was very cool to see!  From there we went to watch the Oxford, Cambridge boat race.  It is something that most people do not get to do so we were lucky with the timing. I had looked up where festivals were and where the race started and finished.  We went to the festival area and there was food, drinks and a big screen to watch the race.  We were right at the water at a park.  We saw the warm up racers go by but we watched the real thing on the big screen because we could not get a good spot on the water.  This race was a unique race.  Right after they had passed where we were ( we were all watching the screen) the boats stopped.  It is a race that they prepare for for a year, and they stopped.  They zoomed in closer and there was someone in the water.  A protestor ( protesting the elites) was there to ruin the race.  He was arrested and they had to figure out a way to restart the race.  They set them up in positions like they were before the protester stopped the race.  Close to the end of the race an Oxford oar broke, ruining their chances of winning.  Shortly after that one of the Oxford rowers passed out and the final ceremony did not happen because they had to take him to the hospital. I did not know before taking my parents it would be so eventful but it was great.
After that we went back and got ready to see the Lion King.   Lee meet up with us and came to dinner with us before the show!  The show was amazing!  It was incredible.  Everything about it was amazing.  After that my dad had to have his last beer in England so we went to a very traditional English pub after that.
In the morning Lee picked them up and we drove to the airport for their flight!
A great weekend with my parents!

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