Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Italy Part 3, Siena and Wine Tour

We left our hostel in Florence at about 8 this morning and got to our bed and breakfast at about 12 today which was good! We got to the train station and thought it would only be a 10 minute walk because that's what our directions said, it ended up being a 30 minute or so walk all up steep hills! Once we got here we checked in and booked a wine tour of tuscany which included seeing small towns ( San  Gimignano) and medieval castles. We tried 80 year old balsamic vinegarette, dessert vinaigrette, olive oil, honey, cheese and of course wine. It was all so good! Never thought I would like balsamic on ice cream but it was amazing, I even bought some! 
After that which eneded at about 7 we came back and went all around the sites in Siena, even though they were closed, so we could see it.  The main piazo had a chocolate fair going on so we loved lookin at that! It was a great day to go!! 
Wasn't hungry for dinner so we just snacked some! But today we had ice cream at the world famous gelato place in one of the small cities!  
Siena was amazing! 

Trying to find our Bed and Breakfast

Tired of walking with our bags

on the drive to the chianti towns ( wine tour)

In the San  Gimignano

we obviously had to try world champions of gelato

the vineyard we went to. that is rosemary lining the road on the left

balsamic! these were aged 80+ years

our tastings

Olive Oil on both of the breads, Balsamic Vinaigrette on the chickpeas, honey on spoon, and cheese. oh and the wine 

chocolate fair in siena

Bailey's Hot Chocolate!  

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