Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oxford, Liverpool and the start of this week!

I know it has been a bit since I blogged but I have not gotten a chance.  We were away from Friday morning until Sunday night and the past few days have been crazy!
OK so I will start!
Friday, we left early in the morning and we took a bus to Blenheim palace and stopped there for a while and walked around and did a tour.  This was the palace where Winston Churchill was born in and a Duke of Marlborough lives there.  It was an interesting place with the most amazing ceilings!  I could not take any pictures inside.
Blenheim Palace

After that we went on the bus to Oxford!  On these nice bus rides we took some nice naps!  Oxford is not on the way to Liverpool but it was great to stop at anyway!
So when we got to Oxford we had lunch at this cute cafe and walked around a little and then went on a guided tour!  This tour took us all around Oxford University showing us the colleges inside it.  (If you go to oxford university, you also have to attend a college inside of it.  There are about 200 colleges all included in Oxford University.)
Our tour took us around dthe city and colleges and also showed us some iconic Harry Potter locations!
The Eagle and Child Pub, it is where alot of famous writers wrote in Oxford! 
The Dining Hall that the Dining Hall in Harry Potter was based off of! ( Oxford would not let them film in this one so they had to make a whole new one for the set)

Oxford Chapel, the most beautiful building! 

Another building where some scene in Harry Potter was filmed.  

The official Oxford logo! 

Those are some main sites from our Oxford tour.  After that we drove to Liverpool.  We got to the hotel at about 8 pm and were starving but had no idea where anything was in Liverpool because we had just gotten there so we all ate in the hotel restaurant!  It was pretty good!  After that we ventured out to explore Liverpool.  I asked the man at the desk at the hotel where a nice place to go out for the evening would be and he showed me on the map.  After getting to where he told us (Matthew Street) we realized that the average age for all the places on this street was about 40.  We walked around alittle and then went back to the hotel to relax and sleep.  
Saturday morning we had breakfast at the hotel!  All you can eat!  It was so good and we ate a ton!  It had English breakfast food like beans, sausage, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms etc. but there was also toast, tea, fruit, cereal and muffins!  I stuck with the food that I like to eat!  After we stuffed ourselves with breakfast we went to the Liverpool Museaum with the group to go to the Slavery Exhibit.  It has gotten awards.  It was pretty interesting but it was on the 3rd floor and was about 100 degrees!  I had on about 10 layers that I had to take off and carry throughout the museum!

Later that day we went to the Beatles museum!!  It was so cool because I learned about the history of the group not just the famous members.  I learned so much about the Beatles that I did not know before.  We stayed in there for about 3 hours!!  
The next day we left the hotel early and went driving for 2 hours to the Black Living Museum.  We had no idea what to expect but when we got there we found out it was a lot like colonial Williamsburg!  We are lunch there then did a tour of the tunnels in a boat which were like limestone covered walls!  It was really cool but was cold when you are 30 feet below ground.
We got back at like 7 and Lee came over and had dinner here...a good old Dominoes pizza!  I did not feel like cooking so that was the way to go!  The Dominoes here is not as good as home!
THis week has been great so far!
Monday I went to my internship in the morning and did alot of ordering for the bathroom project we are doing.  I feel so involved in it all and it is amazing!  I talked to the client and also the vendors to make sure our order is perfect.  I then had theater class where we talked about the show we would see called She Stoops to Conquer!  It was hilarious!  Was an amazing play!
Tuesday I had my media class in the morning where we went to a Greek Radio Station and got shown around was interesting to see the rooms they had and their radio room!  After that I had Culture by Design where we talked about brands and fashion so for our outing we went to the mall...Westfield of London!!  One of the biggest malls in Britain.  HE gave us some tasks to observe the higher class stores ( Louis Voutton, Dior, Tiffanys, Prada, etc) and then we had some time once we did that to go into normal priced stores!  It was a great outing!  We then talked about brands and how people act in places like that. It was interesting.
Today I went to my internship in the morning and then I had art history!  We are now on the Rococo period of art which is my favorite period of art!  We went to the Wallace Collection ( look it up) and it is a building set in the 18th century with work from the 18th century.  Crowned molding, gold everywhere, the most amazing inside!  And it was Mr. Wallace's house and he donated it when he died!

It is now Wednesday evening and I realized how much work I have to do! I am about to start some homework!!
That blog post took forever to write!


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