Wednesday, January 25, 2012

first few days of classes

So Monday, classes started.  I usually will do my internship on Monday morning but she didn't want me to come in.  I had theater class at 3:30 until 5.  Usually our classes are class session then outings but theater is different because we have our class then a show later.  Our teacher had gotten into a bad skiing accident a few weeks ago and broke her pelvis bone in 2 places, so she couldn't come to our building to teach.  We went to her house, which was pretty far away but it was worth it.  It is the most adorable house and I loved being there!  It was so fun!  Right after that we went to see our first show.  We saw the LadyKillers.  It is a play which is a comedy.  I had to watch the movie the night before and it was a bore, but the show was amazing!  It was so great! They served ice cream in intermissions which was cool!  The set was the most intricate set I have seen ( other than wicked).  It was so detailed and they made it amazing.  I cant even explain it, it was just detailed and great.  That was a long day, but a great day!

Tuesday, I had 2 classes ( British Media and Society and Culture by Design)
Class started at 9 and we had class from 9 until 10:30 where we learned about media and stuff.  We then went to the British Museum and focused on communication among different cultures.  This outing was from 10:30 until 1.  My next class started at 2, it was culture by design.  Our professor was a JMU graduate who did the Semester In London program then moved to London.  He is a really cool and is going to take us to awesome places.  Our outing was in Camden, it is a very cultured and rock and roll part of London.  It is full of clubs at night and cool shops.  We had the assignment to find 10 things that we can only see in London, 10 things we can find anywhere, and 10 things we have never seen before.  Although we did do this assignment, Becca, Laken and I also found some nice shoes to buy!  It was a great way of exploring different parts of London and observing things.  They had a really nice craft fair going on, so we explored all around that.  Classes here are not too bad!
Last night we went to dinner at a crepe place to say bye to Rusty ( our head guy in charge of us when we were at JMU).  He came to move us in and now is leaving.  I had a dinner/savory crepe which had spinach cheese and zucchini.  It was pretty good but i think i would have liked the sweet one better.

Today, I went to my internship this morning and then had class this afternoon.  I went to my internship studio and then we went to her house ( they had to move out because it flooded).  They are redoing it to rent out the house and bottom basement flat.  It is in the city of Chelsea.  The commute from my place is about 20 minutes so it is not bad.  We went to her place and talked to the builders and she showed me around the basement.  We talked about what had to be done and what I will be helping with.  Then it got amazing, she brought me to her house ( they are trying to sell it) and gave me a tour around.  I fell in love with this house!  It was an amazing combination of old traditional work and functional lifestyles.  She tried to preserve all the original fireplaces and floor and lighting.  It was the most amazing house ever.  The floor in the raised eating area attached to the kitchen had intricate tile work done in glass.  It was stunning.  Hopefully I will get to go back and I will take pictures but I was blown away.  She taught me all about the processes of preserving the historical aspects of house and how that works ( similar to the HOA).  She was so informative.  She then took me on a walk around Chelsea ( we took the long way back to the studio).  She told me all the history about the place, from what parts were bombed in WW2 to famous people who live in houses there.  She is full of so much knowledge!  I had a wonderful morning.  I went grocery shopping right after that then headed back here.  To my surprise our power was off.  I was so angry because I had just bought all this good food I was excited to make myself a nice lunch and I ended up having to eat cereal and milk.
I had art history this afternoon where we learned about Medieval art and focused some on Early Renaissance art.   Our outing for this class was the National Gallery.  My teacher is so knowledgable and loves the arts.  It was nice to hear her opinion on some pieces.  I saw a few pieces that I had studied in depthly which was very cool to me!  I learned alot more about some artists.  We then ( being in Britain) had to stop for tea in the gallery).
This evening we had meetings to go over the week and some logistical things.  Then I came back and made dinner for Lee and I.  It was tasty!
I have been having so much fun and been moving non stop.  This is my first chance to sit and relax for the past few days.

Life is great here!  I have made amazing friends :)
Drinking my body weight in tea!!

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