Sunday, January 22, 2012

orientation weekend

So I left off Friday afternoon...
Friday afternoon we went on a walk of the west end.  Instead of all walking with a tour guide they split us up into a few groups and we all went different ways from our place and the end was trafalgar square.
  My route we passed a market where there was a really cool street performer.  We explored our way to trafalgar square where we met everyone.  We then ventured to the National Theater where we had some tea and listened to a performer then went to dinner at Wagamamas ( a Japanese restaurant).  I brought a few people to a traditional british pub to meet lee's friends.  They loved talking to all the British people.  We had a fun time just talking about different cultures and stuff.
Saturday we had a busy day.
We started off the morning with a orientation about the place, the Madison House.  It told us about laundry, classes, schedules and logistical things. After that we had a walk around our neighborhood to find new things in the place we were living.  We found restaurants, grocery stores, cool historic landmarks and other places.  A cool fact about around here, we have the Russell Hotel right down the street from us.  This hotel was the hotel that a lot of the people stayed at the night before they left for the Titanic.  It is a beautiful hotel and really historic.  We had lunch at a standard Italian Restaurant which had lunch for 7 pounds which included salad, main dish and a drink!  Great deal!  After that we went for a walk of the East End of London.  This is the site of alot of immigration for Jews.  He showed us all the Yiddish signs and famous synagogues.  It was very cool. It was cold out and it was a long day so we got tired by the end.
Beca, Laken and I on the East End walk

Once we got back we decided to go out.  All of Lee's friends came over to our place and we hung out in the evening and then they took all of us Americans out to a club.  It was a really cool place, I wasmore interested in the place then anything else!  Thats me!

This morning ( Sunday) we had to start early again.  It was a Royal walk.  We went all around the Royal places ( Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, St James Cathedral etc.).  This was my favorite part so far.  Our tour guide was an adorable British lady who told us all about the history.  We saw the changing of the guards not only at Buckingham Palace but also at St James Cathedral.  The queen was not in the palace at the time, but I am sure I will meet her soon!
We had a cheap lunch at Pret A Mange ( which is a sandwich place) then came back for a group meeting.  It was our last orientation meeting where we were told about our classes and books and stuff.  Now we are tired and relaxing before we go to our FMIR's house ( Faculty member in Residence) for dinner.  Him and his wife are here leading the group and they have us ovr for dinner tonight.  I am hoping it is a nice british cottage!
It has rained alot here randomly during the day.  It is so amazing here!  I have met the most amazing people and have just laughed so much!  It is just great!

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