Friday, January 20, 2012

Since there is some down time I decided to post!
 I am having the most amazing time here!  Yesterday (Thursday) we had a meeting with CAPA which is the group that sets up our internships at 10 am.  We were told our interview times in this meeting.  My interview happened to be right after the meeting ( its a good thing I can get ready quickly).  So I left to go to my interview with a company called Austin Interior Design.  The tube was easy it is at South Kensington stop which is on the Picadilly Line, the same line as my flat.  Once I get off the excitement begins.  I had a bad map and it was hard to find.  I wandered around and asked about 20 people for directions, but eventually found it!  It took almost an hour to find even though it is a 3 minute walk from the tube stop.
  Austin Interior Design, they used to be a great interior design firm...this lady is an incredible designer but she is older and closeish to retirement.  She is not taking on any new clients and we are just finishing up jobs with old clients and then she told me that where she used to live flooded and she has to re do it all.  This is where I get to help!  I am working alot on her apartment and designing it and putting it all together.  That sounded pretty cool to me!  It seems to be a nice company and the best part is it is casual dress!
  RIght from there I took the tube to meet my camp friend Josh for coffee.  It was nice seeing him and I found my way to exactly where he told me to eat.
  Last night we wanted to go to a nice pub.  We found this pub that was crowded and went in and then realized that all 10 of us could not fit in there so we settled for a more quiet place . It was nice that quiet after we got there!  We had so much fun!
  Today everyone else gets here.  I am about to meet Lee for lunch and I will get my other suitcase! We are going on a walk all afternoon around Bloomsbury and then having dinner with everyone tonight.  Should be another great day!
  I have just had the most amazing few days so far and I cannot wait for many more days :)

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