Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thursday 1/26 until Sunday 1/29

Thursday I dont have any classes so I go to my internship all day.  I went in on the very crowded morning tube and got there.  It is an easy place to get to once I figured it out the first time.  This time at my internship we were working on a bathroom.  We went and talked to the builder at the site of the bathroom and then looked at floorplans as to what has to be done.  The next step was to figure out what tile to use for the floor and part of the wall.  After going to a few standard tile places we went to a Moroccan tile place.

Patterned Tile

All the cool tiles!
We then went and worked on spreadsheets to figure out what can be done and when it will all be in.  It was a great day!  These tiles were just amazing!  I then looked at fabrics some and
learned different brands of fabrics.  She then gave me a ticket to an antique show in Chelsea and let me go for the day.  Thursday evening we ( Becca, Laken and I ) went to a bar called O'Neils.  It had live music and was really unique.
Me infront of the Tower of London

Friday we went to the Tower of London and then a tour of Westminster Abbey.  The tour guide for the Tower of London was amazing and told us about the history of the place and all about the culture of living in the tower of London.  We saw all my crowns ( the queen gave them to me) with various diamonds and stones in it.  After meeting Lee for lunch with all my friends after that, we went to the most amazing building in the world.  We went into Westminster Abbey.  We did a guided tour inside and I was in awe.  I have never seen such a beautiful building in my life.

Becca, Laken and I on the boat
That evening ( Friday) I met up with Lee to go to have a drink with his company.  It was nice meeting them all.  We then met up with my friends and were with them all night.  We were so tired because we were moving all day.  Saturday morning we woke up and went on a cruise down the Thames to Greenwich where we spent the day.
View of me infront of the city
When we got there we went up a massive hill to the Prime Meridian line and it was a beautiful scene of the city!  There was also a museum of the clocks and the first clocks there.  That was very interesting. 
The rest of Saturday we went to the market and to the naval museum there.  
On the Prime Meridian Line

When we got back I went and had dinner with Lee.  We went to a restaurant called 36 and had a nice meal.  By this point I was a standing zombie, I was exhausted!  
Today we had a free day.  It is the Chinese New year so we went into Trafalgar Square to see the festivities.  It was a little disappointing because we expected vendors and a lot of food.  We stayed for a while and then decided to go to Spittlefields market in the East End.  This was ppointed out on our tour of the east end but we got too cold to go then.  It was a farmers market and had vendors.  It was really good!  We have been trying to get out as much as possible and do as much as we can.  

I made a list of things I want to do before I leave and I have already done some of them!  I had a great weekend and I am ready to start my second week!  
I gave in today and had to buy ice cream, it is much more expensive here but I was craving it....( i charged that one to mom and dad's cards, thanks guys!)
We had the realization that we have to start doing homework...the rest of this evening will be spent doing some homework.  It isn't much work but we do not have much time to do it so it seems like more than it is!    
I am going to go!  Hope the states are going well and I think it is supposed to snow soon here...not looking forward to that!

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